Friday, March 6, 2009


~ Whether it’s a chat with our attorney,
or a short converstion with a contractor
or bank teller – it’s apparent that everyone
is anxious about the economy.
How did life in the great USA
get so crappy, so fast?
Charisma doesn’t necessarily
spawn beneficial change.
We shall see.

However, who would expect a vodka company
to come up with a warm fuzzy commercial?
This makes you feel good,
even without a sip of booze…
now, be kind, it won't cost you a dime!

~ Our Little Man, JJF, will celebrate
a birthday this month. Oh, how life
has changed since I was his age.
For instance, our now glitzy
bursting-with-opulent-fun trips to
Las Vegas, would’ve looked like this,
when I was 3:

~ sprinkles of wisdom:
"Don't wait for something big to occur.
Start where you are, with what you have,
and that will always lead you into
something greater".
Mary Manin Morrissey

"Everyone has inside them a
piece of good news.
The good news is you don't
know how great you can be!
How much you can love!
What you can accomplish!
And what your potential is! "
Anne Frank

"Years wrinkle the skin,
but to give up enthusiasm
wrinkles the soul".
Author Unknown

from the darkside:
~ Demon mummies
(from: )
"It might seem odd that Buddhist temples
in Japan house the occasional stray
mummified demon (oni), but then again
it makes sense to keep them under the
watchful eye of a priest, instead of letting
them prowl the streets. Zengyōji (善行寺)
temple in the city of Kanazawa
(Ishikawa prefecture)
is home to the mummified head of a
three-faced demon. Legend has it that
a resident priest discovered the mummy
in a temple storage chamber in the
early 18th century. Imagine his surprise".

~ to end on a light note,
here is a reminder to all
you river rats. we are only a few
months away from our
secret cove. be ready!


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