Monday, August 4, 2008

Life + Family

Fantastic Brother, Uncle, & Friend...
Back in the day, hours of piano lessons,
and a crazy making recital.
Dozens of parents & friends.
Nervous, palms sweating.
There we sat, my younger brother & I.
Our turn to play; a simple duet of GLOW WORM.
He was not a passionate piano player,
but how hard could a one hand simple melody be?
Hard enough for him to completely FORGET,
& sit on that hard piano bench motionless,
while I played my heart out, as loud as possible;
sure that the volume would hide
the fact that his part was lost.
Grand applause, as we took our bows.
Coulda drop kicked that guy right out the window!
Fast forward to 2008… that guy,
my wonderful brother is now
Dr B.} so incredibly brilliant,
with a black belt in karate, and
Important work for mankind;
way, way beyond Glow Worm.

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