Sunday, September 28, 2008

Whole Living

As life in this grand U.S.A. reaches
a very tough and chaotic climate,
be careful who you point the
finger at for your woes.
This is a bi-partisan fiasco,
and we are all complicit.
Time to nut-up, & stop being
a nation of ‘whingers’

Yes, everyone is feeling worried and confused
about how everything became so appalling.
It’s at a point where we need to step back,
& find our strength. The strength within.
Mom used to say,
"The more you do, the more you can do."
We can reclaim the our lives.
About 1 month after Mom passed away,
I came across a list of basic thoughts
which helped me gently re-focus.
Time to share…

10 Thoughts on Whole Living
(from body & soul ~ September 2005)
1. Imagination is a sense, not a gift.
We all have the inner genius to create.
2. Touch is a powerful healing tool;
use it lovingly & often.
3. Think of money as energy; use it to empower,
not control, your life.
4. A simple cup of tea can teach us
the importance of ritual.
5. Give deeply – whether it is noticed or not.
6. Find something sacred in your day, every day.
7. A daily walk can reengage your body & mind.
8. Before summer’s end, connect your soul
to the earth
with a healthy, bountiful feast.
9. Allow your body to unwind every evening.
10. Passion does not get lost – just abandoned.
It’s never too late to find it again.


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